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About us

Omani Laws Encyclopedia plans to publish an Omani legislations Encyclopedia on Web Site, besides many other services, with the objective of publishing accurate reliable information and knowledge on the Omani and Islamic Legislations, not only inside Oman or the Islamic countries but to all Internet users worldwide, too.

Our net keeps the user updated with all Omani legislations, regulations, and related resolutions, instructions and decisions in English. The source of this electronic Encyclopedia is the official Gazette of Oman.

The Site uses the advanced Internet telecommunications techniques to present the largest specialized Omani Legislations Encyclopedia, developed and updated daily to become a renewable reference serving many interested persons and specialists groups. Our main purpose is to provide reliable services to lawyers, advocates, legal counselors and others of similar competencies, through compiling the Omani legislations, schedules and amendments thereof and the legal comments and the likes, respectively in only one electronic encyclopedia of legislations.

With the launch of the Omani Legislations Encyclopedia in English the reader will follow up and be updated of the Omani legislations immediately upon issuance in English, through translation from the Arabic official source and thus, it will be available for all the subscribers of the Site.

The site in appreciation and understanding the need of the professionals and law practitioners; such as lawyers, advocates, judges, legal counselors, experts, detectives, researchers or other interested readers. The site provides the following:-
1- The subscriber can easily and promptly have access to whatever he wants through a search engine.

2- The subscriber can, in all cases, copy, transcript, or print the whole text or part of it, for non-commercial use, from the documents on the site.

in addition to many other services:-
Mailing List: helps the subscriber, through free registration, to be aware- first by first- of the latest updating of the site.

A team of Omani legal counselors beside a team of computer and Internet experts as well as translators, auditors and an integrated administrative and technical body is attending to the follow up and to add whatever comes up once it is issued.

You can benefit from the great services of the Web Site.

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