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The Decree According to the Latest Amendment – Royal Decree No. (120) of 2024 Promulgating of The Civil Service Law

The Decree According to the Latest Amendment – Royal Decree No. (120) of 2024

Royal decree No. (19/2024) Issuing the law of Sultan Qaboos University

Royal decree No. (19/2024)

Royal Decree No. (27) of 2023 Promulgating the Higher Education Law

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation shall issue the Implementing regulation of the attached law and the required resolution to implement its provisions within one year from the date of enforcement of such.

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (146) of 2022 regarding study dates, exams, and vacations for the academic year 2022 / 2023

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (146) of 2022 regarding study dates, exams, and vacations for the academic year 2022 / 2023

College of Sharia Sciences Decision No. (3) of 2022 Issuing Regulations for Scientific Research for the College of Sharia Sciences

College of Sharia Sciences Decision No. (3) of 2022 Issuing Regulations for Scientific Research for the College of Sharia Sciences

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Decision No. (19) of 2022 to issue the Regulations for Technical Specifications and Standards for the Establishments and Facilities of Private Higher Education Institutions

With regard to the technical specifications and standards of the establishments and facilities of private higher education institutions, the provisions of the attached regulation shall be applied.

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (194) of 2021 regarding setting study dates, exams, and vacations for the academic year 2021/2022

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (194) of 2021

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (190) of 2021 amending the Regulation of school transportation issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (58) of 2020

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (190) of 2021

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (181) of 2021 concerning the study dates, exams, and vacations for the academic year of 2021/2022

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (181) of 2021

Ministry of Heritage and Tourism Resolution No. (125) of 2021 determining the value of the Journal of Omani Studies

Ministry of Heritage and Tourism Resolution No. (125) of 2021

Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation Resolution No. (71) of 2021 amending the Regulation for private colleges and higher institutes issued by Resolution No. (34) of 2000

Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation Resolution No. (71) of 2021 amending the Regulation for private colleges and higher institutes issued by Resolution No. (34) of 2000

Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation Resolution No. (70) of 2021 amending the Executive Regulations of the Private Universities Law issued by Resolution No. (36) of 1999

Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation Resolution No. (70) of 2021 amending the Executive Regulations of the Private Universities Law issued by Resolution No. (36) of 1999

Royal Decree No. (47) of 2021 issuing the University of Technology and Applied Sciences Law

Royal Decree No. (47) of 2021 issuing the University of Technology and Applied Sciences Law

Royal Decree No. (31) Of 2021 amending the Royal Decree No. (35) of 2014 regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Forensic Sciences and the issuance of its law

Royal Decree No. (31) Of 2021 amending the Royal Decree No. (35) of 2014 regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Forensic Sciences and the issuance of its law

Royal Decree No. (26) of 2021 ratifying the cooperation agreement between the government of the Sultanate of Oman and the government of Hungary for cooperation in the field of higher education

Royal Decree No. (26) of 2021 ratifying the cooperation agreement between the government of the Sultanate of Oman and the government of Hungary for cooperation in the field of higher education

Royal Decree No. (9) of 2021 regarding the Omani Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education

Royal Decree No. (9) of 2021 regarding the Omani Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (5) of 2021 regarding the mechanism for the gradual return of school students according to the blended education system

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (5) of 2021

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 72 of 2019 to cancel Ministerial Resolution No. 55/2014 to establish Al Nahda Engineering College

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 72 of 2019 to cancel Ministerial Resolution No. 55/2014 to establish Al Nahda Engineering College

Decision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation No. (71) of 2020 amending the regulation for the recognition of non-Omani higher education institutions and the equivalence of the educational qualifications they grant issued by Resolution No. (21) of 2015

Decision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation No. (71) of 2020 amending the regulation for the recognition of non-Omani higher education institutions and the equivalence of the educational qualifications they grant issued by Resolution No. (21) of 2015

Ministry of Education Decision No. (200) of 2020 amending the Parents Council Regulations issued by Resolution No. (120) of 2019

Ministry of Education Decision No. (200) of 2020 amending the Parents Council Regulations issued by Resolution No. (120) of 2019

Ministry of Education Decision No. (199) of 2020 to amend the school transportation regulation issued by Resolution No. (58) of 2020

Ministry of Education Decision No. (199) of 2020 to amend the school transportation regulation issued by Resolution No. (58) of 2020

Ministry of Education Decision No. (181) of 2020 regarding the opening of registration validity for students who are late in their registration in public and private schools for the 2020 / 2021 academic year and the registration of new students for the 2021 / 2022 academic year

Ministry of Education Decision No. (181) of 2020 regarding the opening of registration validity for students who are late in their registration in public and private schools for the 2020 / 2021 academic year and the registration of new students for the 2021 / 2022 academic year

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (176) of 2020 adopting the rules and principles of the general framework for the operation of schools

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (176) of 2020 adopting the rules and principles of the general framework for the operation of schools

Decision according to the latest amendment - Ministry of Education Decision No. (174) of 2020 regarding school dates, examinations and vacations for the academic year 2020 / 2021

Decision according to the latest amendment - Ministry of Education Decision No. (174) of 2020 regarding school dates, examinations and vacations for the academic year 2020 / 2021

Royal Decree No. (108) of 2020 abolishing the Council of Financial Affairs and Energy Resources issued by Decree No. (60) of 1996 and the Education Council issued by Decree No. (48) of 2012

Royal Decree abolished the following: Decree No. (60) of 1996 and Decree No. (48) of 2012

Royal Decree No. 79 of 2020 defining the functions of the Ministry of Education and approving its organizational structure

Royal Decree No. 79 of 2020 defining the functions of the Ministry of Education and approving its organizational structure

Royal Decree No. 76 of 2020 establishing the University of Technology and Applied Sciences

Royal Decree No. 76 of 2020 establishing the University of Technology and Applied Sciences

Ministry of High Education Decision No. 24 of 2020 to amend the provisions of the organizational regulation for cultural attaches issued by Resolution No. 22 of 2015

Ministry of High Education Decision No. 24 of 2020 to amend the provisions of the organizational regulation for cultural attaches issued by Resolution No. 22 of 2015

Circular of the Consulate General of the Sultanate of Oman in Australia No. (3) of 2020 affirming all students scholarships in Australian and New Zealand universities that universities transfer the educational process via online platforms

Circular of the Consulate General of the Sultanate of Oman in Australia No. (3) of 2020 affirming all students scholarships in Australian and New Zealand universities that universities transfer the educational process via online platforms

Royal Court Diwan Decision No. 9 of 2020 to appoint members of the Education Council

Royal Court Diwan Decision No. 9 of 2020 to appoint members of the Education Council

Ministerial Decision No. 58/2020 issued on 25/2/2020 to issue the regulation for school transportation

Ministerial Decision No. 58/2020 issued on 25/2/2020 to issue the regulation for school transportation

Ministry of Education Decision No. 58 of 2020 on issuing the regulation of school transportation

Ministry of Education Decision No. 58 of 2020 on issuing the regulation of school transportation

Ministry of Education Decision No. 49 of 2020 approving the educational qualifications of those who passed the twelfth grade

Ministry of Education Decision No. 49 of 2020 approving the educational qualifications of those who passed the twelfth grade

Ministry of Education Decision No. 48 of 2020 amending the regulation of school queues issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 20 of 2018

Ministry of Education Decision No. 48 of 2020 amending the regulation of school queues issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 20 of 2018

Diwan of Royal Court Decision No. 31 of 2019 to form the Board of Directors of the Omani Academic Accreditation Board

Diwan of Royal Court Decision No. 31 of 2019 to form the Board of Directors of the Omani Academic Accreditation Board

Decision of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 72 of 2019 canceling Ministerial Resolution No. 55/2014 establishing the College of Engineering Renaissance

Decision of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 72 of 2019 canceling Ministerial Resolution No. 55/2014 establishing the College of Engineering Renaissance

Ministry of Finance Letter No. T- (94936/5296) MDA of 2019 regarding the exemption of children of Omani women married to non-Omanis and Yemeni students in government schools from paying services fees and exempting children of non-Omanis working in the Ministry of Education from paying 50% of the value of the service fees

Ministry of Finance Letter No. T- (94936/5296) MDA of 2019 regarding the exemption of children of Omani women married to non-Omanis and Yemeni students in government schools from paying services fees and exempting children of non-Omanis working in the Ministry of Education from paying 50% of the value of the service fees

Amending certain provisions of Resolution No. 38/2013 forming the Main Committee For the project of the College of Al Ajyal for Craft Industries and Traditional Professions

This Decision shall be published in the Official Gazette

Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 120 of 2019 issuing a list of parents' councils

Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 120 of 2019 issuing a list of parents' councils

Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 120 of 2019 issuing a list of parents' councils

Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 120 of 2019 issuing a list of parents' councils

Ministry of Education Order No. 105 of 2019 amending the Regulation of Private Schools issued by Ministerial Decree No. 287 of 2017

Ministry of Education Order No. 105 of 2019 amending the Regulation of Private Schools issued by Ministerial Decree No. 287 of 2017

Royal Decree No. 27 of 2019 on scientific and other specialized areas

Royal Decree No. 27 of 2019 on scientific and other specialized areas

Resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 14 of 2019 issuing the regulation of consulting at the faculties of applied sciences

Resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 14 of 2019 issuing the regulation of consulting at the faculties of applied sciences

Oman Academic Accreditation decision No. 16 of year 2019 amending Resolution No. 4 of 2017 on the determination of the process of auditing the constituent general quality of programs fees and appeal of public scrutiny foundational programs quality reports

Oman Academic Accreditation decision No. 16 of year 2019 amending Resolution No. 4 of 2017 on the determination of the process of auditing the constituent general quality of programs fees and appeal of public scrutiny foundational programs quality reports

Decision of the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority No. 11 of 2019 amending the Financial Regulation of the Omani Academic Accreditation Authority issued by decision No. 47 of 2012

Decision of the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority No. 11 of 2019 amending the Financial Regulation of the Omani Academic Accreditation Authority issued by decision No. 47 of 2012

Soltanic Decree No. 19 for the year 2019 on the promulgation of the Mineral Resources Law

Soltanic Decree No. 19 for the year 2019 on the promulgation of the Mineral Resources Law

Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 3 for the year 2019 about the amendment of the Organisational Regulation of the Unified Admission System, issued under the Resolution by the Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 65 for the year 2017.

Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 3 for the year 2019 about the amendment of the Organisational Regulation of the Unified Admission System, issued under the Resolution by the Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 65 for the year 2017.

Oman Academic Accreditation Authority Resolution No.(4) for the year 2019 about the amendment of the Statute on the Personnel Affairs at the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority, issued under Resolution No. 26 for the year 2011

Oman Academic Accreditation Authority Resolution No.(4) for the year 2019 about the amendment of the Statute on the Personnel Affairs at the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority, issued under Resolution No. 26 for the year 2011

Ministry of Civil Service Circular No. 1 of 2019 on the equivalence of academic qualifications issued from outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Civil Service Circular No. 1 of 2019 on the equivalence of academic qualifications issued from outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Higher Education Decree No. 19 of 2018 regarding the establishment of the National University of Science and Technology

Ministry of Higher Education Decree No. 19 of 2018 regarding the establishment of the National University of Science and Technology

The Ministry of Education Resolution No. 240 for 2017 on the project about the national tests in the intermediate grades

The Ministry of Education Resolution No. 240 for 2017 on the project about the national tests in the intermediate grades

Ministry of Education Decision No. 116 of 2016 approving the study plan for basic education schools and post-basic education schools

Ministry of Education Decision No. 116 of 2016 approving the study plan for basic education schools and post-basic education schools

Ministry of Education Decision No. 588 of 2015 regarding controls for managing general education diploma exams and the equivalent

Ministry of Education Decision No. 588 of 2015 regarding controls for managing general education diploma exams and the equivalent

Ministry of Education Circular No. 15231304 of 2015 regarding postponing all resignations submitted by members of the teaching staff and related jobs during the school year until the end of it

Ministry of Education Circular No. 15231304 of 2015 regarding postponing all resignations submitted by members of the teaching staff and related jobs during the school year until the end of it

Directorate General of Education in Dhofar Circular No. 149 of 2011 on the missions of the Ministry of Higher Education, announced through the unified admission center

Directorate General of Education in Dhofar Circular No. 149 of 2011 on the missions of the Ministry of Higher Education, announced through the unified admission center

The Regulations Concerning Scientific Research issued pursuant to the decision of the President of Sultan Qaboos University No. 722 - 2010 dated 3 November 2010

The Regulations Concerning Scientific Research issued pursuant to the decision of the President of Sultan Qaboos University No. 722 - 2010 dated 3 November 2010

Ministry of Education Decision No. 323 of 2008 regarding the law for the transportation of students and the rental of school transportation - canceled according to Article (2) of the Ministry of Education Resolution No. 58 of 2020 to issue the regulation for the school transportation

Ministry of Education Decision No. 323 of 2008 regarding the law for the transportation of students and the rental of school transportation - canceled according to Article (2) of the Ministry of Education Resolution No. 58 of 2020 to issue the regulation for the school transportation

Royal Decree No. 71/2006 Promulgating of the law of Sultan Qaboos University and the approval of its organizational structure – Repealed pursuant to the provision of article (3) of Royal Decree No. (19) of 2024 Promulgating of the law of Sultan Qaboos University

Royal Decree No. 71/2006

Royal Decree No. 104/2005 establishing the Integrated Admission Center

Royal Decree No. 104/2005 establishing the Integrated Admission Center

Regulations according to the latest amendment - Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 8 of 2003 promulgating the implementing regulations for Scholarships and grants and Study Subsidies Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 83 of 2002

Regulations according to the latest amendment - Ministry of Higher Education Resolution No. 8 of 2003 promulgating the implementing regulations for Scholarships and grants and Study Subsidies Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 83 of 2002

The Law of Scholarships, Grants, and Study Grants promulgated by Royal Decree No. 83/2002

The Law of Scholarships, Grants, and Study Grants promulgated by Royal Decree No. 83/2002

The resolution according to the latest amendment - Decision of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 34 of 2000 promulgating the regulations for private colleges and higher institutes.

The resolution according to the latest amendment - Decision of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 34 of 2000 promulgating the regulations for private colleges and higher institutes.

The regulations according to the latest amendment - Ministerial Resolution No. 36/99 promulgating the executive regulations for private universities law.

The regulations according to the latest amendment - Ministerial Resolution No. 36/99 promulgating the executive regulations for private universities law.

Private Universities Law issued by Royal Decree No. 41/99

Private Universities Law issued by Royal Decree No. 41/99

Royal Decree No. 42/99 regarding the establishment of private colleges and higher institutes

Royal Decree No. 42/99 regarding the establishment of private colleges and higher institutes

Resolution of the Ministry of Education and Youth Affairs 54 of 1982 regarding the regulation of internal departments for general education schools

Resolution of the Ministry of Education and Youth Affairs 54 of 1982 regarding the regulation of internal departments for general education schools

The Regulation as per the latest amendment - Ministry of Education Decree No. 287/2017 concerning the issuance of Regulatory Statute for Private Schools

The Regulation as per the latest amendment - Ministry of Education Decree No. 287/2017 concerning the issuance of Regulatory Statute for Private Schools

Ministry of Education Decision No. 234/2017 regarding the issuance of the affairs statute concerning students in public schools

Ministry of Education Decision No. 234/2017 regarding the issuance of the affairs statute concerning students in public schools

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 29/2017 Concerning the issuance of the Academic System for Faculties of Applied Sciences

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 29/2017 Concerning the issuance of the Academic System for Faculties of Applied Sciences

Ministry of Higher Education Decree No. 55/2017 concerning the amendment of some provisions of the executive ordinances of Royal Decree No. 62/2007 regarding the regulation of colleges for applied sciences

Ministry of Higher Education Decree No. 55/2017 concerning the amendment of some provisions of the executive ordinances of Royal Decree No. 62/2007 regarding the regulation of colleges for applied sciences

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 65/2017 Concerning the issuance of the Regulatory Statute of the Unified Admission System

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 65/2017 Concerning the issuance of the Regulatory Statute of the Unified Admission System

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 66/2017 concerning the transformation of the Faculty of Applied Sciences in Al - Rustaq to a Faculty of Education

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No. 66/2017 concerning the transformation of the Faculty of Applied Sciences in Al - Rustaq to a Faculty of Education

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No 78/2017 regarding the establishment of the National College of Automotive Technology

Ministry of Higher Education Decision No 78/2017 regarding the establishment of the National College of Automotive Technology

Ministry of Higher Education Decree No. 81 of 2017 about the amendment of some provisions concerning the regulatory statute of Cultural Attachés

Ministry of Higher Education Decree No. 81 of 2017 about the amendment of some provisions concerning the regulatory statute of Cultural Attachés

Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Oman Decision No. 2804/2017 Concerning the issuance of the Statute of the College of Banking and Financial Studies

Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Oman Decision No. 2804/2017 Concerning the issuance of the Statute of the College of Banking and Financial Studies

Board of Trustees of the College of Sharia Sciences Decision No. (4) of 2022 issuing a Regulation Regarding Academic Promotions in the College of Sharia Sciences

Board of Trustees of the College of Sharia Sciences Decision No. (4) of 2022 issuing a Regulation Regarding Academic Promotions in the College of Sharia Sciences

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (139) of 2020 Regarding the Commencement of the Academic Year 2020/2021

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (139) of 2020 Regarding the Commencement of the Academic Year 2020/2021