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Ministry of Regional Municipality and Water Resources Resolution No. (96) of 2024 Issuing Regulation for Registering Foodstuffs and Advertising or Promotion of Such

Ministry of Regional Municipality and Water Resources Resolution No. (96) of 2024

Environment Authority Resolution No. (8/2024) Regarding banning the use of plastic shopping bags

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article One herein, companies and institutions are prohibited from using plastic shopping bags of all types, in accordance with the time schedule attached herein. Individuals are also prohibited from using these bags as of the last date specified in the time plan attached to this resolution.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Water Resources Ministerial Resolution No. (60/2023) With the issuance of the Implementing Regulations of the Veterinary Products Law

This resolution is to be published in the Official Gazette, and it shall be implemented as of the next day of its publication.

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth & Water Resources No. (164) of 2022 amending the Implementing Regulations of the Veterinary Quarantine Law issued by Resolution No. (107) of 2008

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth & Water Resources No. (164) of 2022 amending the Implementing Regulations of the Veterinary Quarantine Law issued by Resolution No. (107) of 2008

Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources Decision No. 156 of 2022 amending Decision No. 31 of 2009 Declaring Agricultural Quarantine Areas

Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources Decision No. 156 of 2022 amending Decision No. 31 of 2009 Declaring Agricultural Quarantine Areas

Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. (82) of 2022 Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Law on the Management of Pastures and Livestock issued by Decision No. (12) of 2005

Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. (82) of 2022 Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Law on the Management of Pastures and Livestock issued by Decision No. (12) of 2005

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources Resolution No. (19) of 2022 amending the Implementing Regulations of the Agricultural Quarantine Law issued by Resolution No. (32) of 2006

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources Resolution No. (19) of 2022

Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources Resolution No. (126) of 2021 amending Ministerial Resolution No. (197) of 2017 issuing regulations for the cultivation of alfalfa and regulating its marketing outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources Resolution No. (126) of 2021 amending Ministerial Resolution No. (197) of 2017 issuing regulations for the cultivation of alfalfa and regulating its marketing outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. (59) of 2021 to amend the Regulation to Support the FISHERIES sector issued by Resolution No. (52) of 2011

Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. (59) of 2021 to amend the Regulation to Support the FISHERIES sector issued by Resolution No. (52) of 2011

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources No. (52) Of 2021 to amend Resolution No. (31) of 2009 declaring agricultural quarantine areas

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources No. (52) Of 2021 to amend Resolution No. (31) of 2009 declaring agricultural quarantine areas

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources No. 16 of 2021 designating some ports for landings and inspections for foreign fishing vessels

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources No. 16 of 2021 designating some ports for landings and inspections for foreign fishing vessels

Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. 278 of 2020 issuing a list of conditions and specifications regulating factories and workshops for maintenance of fishing boats and fishing vessels made of reinforced fiberglass

Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. 278 of 2020 issuing a list of conditions and specifications regulating factories and workshops for maintenance of fishing boats and fishing vessels made of reinforced fiberglass

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources No. 268 of 2020 prohibiting the hunting, collection, possession and dealing in Abalone

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources No. 268 of 2020 prohibiting the hunting, collection, possession and dealing in Abalone

Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. (255) of 2020 issuing the executive regulations for the Animal Welfare Law issued by Royal Decree No. (21) of 2017

Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Decision No. (255) of 2020 issuing the executive regulations for the Animal Welfare Law issued by Royal Decree No. (21) of 2017

Decision of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources No. 485 of 2020 regarding the controls of confinement of stray or neglected animals

Decision of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources No. 485 of 2020 regarding the controls of confinement of stray or neglected animals

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 172 of 2020 amending Resolution No. 31 of 2009 declaring agricultural quarantine areas

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 172 of 2020 amending Resolution No. 31 of 2009 declaring agricultural quarantine areas

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 105 of 2020 amending Ministerial Resolution No. 31 of 2009 announcing agricultural isolation areas

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 105 of 2020 amending Ministerial Resolution No. 31 of 2009 announcing agricultural isolation areas

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 87 of 2020 to issue a regulation to protect date palm trees, hookahs, ornaments, Palm-like trees and their branches and vegetable parts

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 87 of 2020 to issue a regulation to protect date palm trees, hookahs, ornaments, Palm-like trees and their branches and vegetable parts

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 85 of 2020 to amend the executive regulations of the agriculture law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 41 of 2010

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 85 of 2020 to amend the executive regulations of the agriculture law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 41 of 2010

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 84 of 2020 regarding issuing the Regulation of agricultural land use

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 84 of 2020 regarding issuing the Regulation of agricultural land use

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 82 of 2020 amending the regulation regulating the use of the hedge nets (recycling / containment) for hunting issued by the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 183 of 2016

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 82 of 2020 amending the regulation regulating the use of the hedge nets (recycling / containment) for hunting issued by the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 183 of 2016

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 71 of 2020 to issue a regulation regulating the use of bent gill nets

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 71 of 2020 to issue a regulation regulating the use of bent gill nets

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 44 of 2020 prohibiting the entry and exit of fish consignments through the Khtmh Inland navigation port

Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 44 of 2020 prohibiting the entry and exit of fish consignments through the Khtmh Inland navigation port

Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 44 of 2020 prohibiting the entry and exit of fish consignments through the Khatmeh Milaha land port

Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 44 of 2020 prohibiting the entry and exit of fish consignments through the Khatmeh Milaha land port

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources No. 272 of 2020 amending Ministerial Resolution No. 31 of 2009 declaring agricultural quarantine areas

Decision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Fisheries and Water Resources No. 272 of 2020 amending Ministerial Resolution No. 31 of 2009 declaring agricultural quarantine areas

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministerial Decision No. 209/2019 amending some provisions of the Fisheries Sector Support Regulations

Article 1: Article (5 bis) shall be added to the list of support to the fisheries sector referred to as follows: Article (5 bis Support advanced fishing boats and engines Support shall be granted for the purchase of advanced fishing boats and engines in the amounts and percentages set forth in Annex (6) annexed to these Regulations, in accordance with the following conditions and controls: 1. The beneficiary of the subsidy must have a valid fishing license.

Ministerial Decision No. 174/2019 Amending some provisions of Ministerial Resolution No. 218/2018 Regulating the means of transporting agricultural products through the land Ports

Article 1: The text of Article Five of the Ministerial Resolution No. 218/2018 referred to is replaced by the following text: "This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and it shall be enforced from February 1, 2020 AD."

Ministerial Decision No. 145/2019 Amending some provisions of the executive regulations Of the Fisheries Law and the Protection of Living Aquatic Resources

The text of clause (A) of Article (14) of the Implementing Regulations of the Law on Fishing and Protection of Living Aquatic Resources referred to shall be replaced by the following text:

Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 75 of 2019 issuing a regulation regulating The Sultanate's exports of fish

Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 75 of 2019 issuing a regulation regulating The Sultanate's exports of fish

Sultanic Decree No. 20 of the year 2019 on promulgation of the law of Mineral living Resources

Sultanic Decree No. 20 of the year 2019 on promulgation of the law of Mineral living Resources

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Resolution No. (25) of 2019 about the extension of the period for the prohibition of fishing, possession and circulation of sea cucumbers

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Resolution No. (25) of 2019 about the extension of the period for the prohibition of fishing, possession and circulation of sea cucumbers

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Resolution No. (34) for the year 2019 regarding the issuance of Regulatory Statute for the use of Trawl Fishing Nets

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Resolution No. (34) for the year 2019 regarding the issuance of Regulatory Statute for the use of Trawl Fishing Nets

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. (32) for the year 2019 on amending Ministerial Resolution No. (31) for the year 2009 on the declaration of agriculturally-quarantined areas

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. (32) for the year 2019 on amending Ministerial Resolution No. (31) for the year 2009 on the declaration of agriculturally-quarantined areas

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 132/2018 concerning the regulation of fish exports and the identification of the species thereof

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 132/2018 concerning the regulation of fish exports and the identification of the species thereof

Royal Decree No.78/2004 promulgating The Law for the Regulation and Privatisation of the Electricity and Related Water Sector

Royal Decree No.78/2004 promulgating The Law for the Regulation and Privatisation of the Electricity and Related Water Sector

The resolution as per the latest amendment - the Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Decree No. 118/2017 concerning the regulation of the Sultanate's fish exports and the determination of the species thereof

The resolution as per the latest amendment - the Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Decree No. 118/2017 concerning the regulation of the Sultanate's fish exports and the determination of the species thereof

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Resolution No. 163/2017 Concerning the Prohibition of the circulation of alfalfa seeds

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources Resolution No. 163/2017 Concerning the Prohibition of the circulation of alfalfa seeds

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 117/2017 Concerning Fishing Regulation in Khor Najd and Khor Habilin in Khasab province in Musandam Governorate

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 117/2017 Concerning Fishing Regulation in Khor Najd and Khor Habilin in Khasab province in Musandam Governorate

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources No. 17/2017 on banning the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish Resources No. 17/2017 on banning the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 205/2017 concerning the amendment of Ministerial Decision No. 31/2009 on the declaration of agricultural quarantine zones

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 205/2017 concerning the amendment of Ministerial Decision No. 31/2009 on the declaration of agricultural quarantine zones

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 10/2017 concerning the issuance of the Regulation for the organisation of the Use of Agricultural Land

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 10/2017 concerning the issuance of the Regulation for the organisation of the Use of Agricultural Land

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Resolution No. 105/2017 concerning the regulation of the transfer of beehives between governorates and provinces

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Resolution No. 105/2017 concerning the regulation of the transfer of beehives between governorates and provinces

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 118/2017 concerning the regulation of the Sultanate's fish exports and the determination of the species thereof "Bis 1."

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 118/2017 concerning the regulation of the Sultanate's fish exports and the determination of the species thereof "Bis 1."

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 118/2017 concerning the regulation of the Sultanate's fish exports and the determination of the species thereof "Bis 2."

Ministry of Agriculture and Fish resources Decree No. 118/2017 concerning the regulation of the Sultanate's fish exports and the determination of the species thereof "Bis 2."

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 159/2017 regarding lifting the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 159/2017 regarding lifting the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 195/2017 on the protection of Date Palms, Coconut, ornamental trees, and palm branches and their foliage.

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 195/2017 on the protection of Date Palms, Coconut, ornamental trees, and palm branches and their foliage.

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 197/2017 concerning the issuance of Khat cultivation regulations and the regulation of marketing thereof outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 197/2017 concerning the issuance of Khat cultivation regulations and the regulation of marketing thereof outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 198-2017 concerning the issuance of the electronic numbering statute concerning Omani camels in private veterinary clinics

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 198-2017 concerning the issuance of the electronic numbering statute concerning Omani camels in private veterinary clinics

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 201/2017 Concerning the Amendment of Some Provisions of Ministerial Decision No. 118/2017 on Regulating and Classifying the Sultanate's Fish Exports

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 201/2017 Concerning the Amendment of Some Provisions of Ministerial Decision No. 118/2017 on Regulating and Classifying the Sultanate's Fish Exports

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 228 of 2017 on Regulating and Classifying the Sultanate's Fish Exports

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 228 of 2017 on Regulating and Classifying the Sultanate's Fish Exports

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 252/2017 on lifting the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 252/2017 on lifting the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 253/2017 about the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 253/2017 about the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 285/2017 regarding the suspension of licenses for the production of industrial reefs

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 285/2017 regarding the suspension of licenses for the production of industrial reefs

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 312/2017 on banning the import of live birds from the Republic of Bulgaria

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 312/2017 on banning the import of live birds from the Republic of Bulgaria

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 313/2017 regarding lifting the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 313/2017 regarding lifting the ban on the import of live birds from some countries

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 336/2017 regarding the prohibition of fishing, possession and trading of Abalone

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 336/2017 regarding the prohibition of fishing, possession and trading of Abalone

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 345/2017 about lifting the ban on the import of live birds from the Republic of Hungary and the Czech Republic

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 345/2017 about lifting the ban on the import of live birds from the Republic of Hungary and the Czech Republic

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 373/2017 concerning the ban on the import of live birds from the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 373/2017 concerning the ban on the import of live birds from the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 38/2017 on banning the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Resolution No. 38/2017 on banning the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 5/2017 about "Al Ghaf Marine Trees - Mesquite - Al Ghwaif"

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 5/2017 about "Al Ghaf Marine Trees - Mesquite - Al Ghwaif"

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 62/2017 on the amendment of some provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Veterinary Quarantine Law issued by Ministerial Decision No. 107/2008

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 62/2017 on the amendment of some provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Veterinary Quarantine Law issued by Ministerial Decision No. 107/2008

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 62/2017 on the amendment of some provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Veterinary Quarantine Law issued by Ministerial Decision No. 107/2008

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 62/2017 on the amendment of some provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Veterinary Quarantine Law issued by Ministerial Decision No. 107/2008

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 66/2017 concerning the issuance of the temporary exit regulation for the Omani camel through the border crossing points outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 66/2017 concerning the issuance of the temporary exit regulation for the Omani camel through the border crossing points outside the Sultanate

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 75/2017 concerning the promulgation of the regulations governing the practice of fishing

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 75/2017 concerning the promulgation of the regulations governing the practice of fishing

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 82/2017 concerning lifting the ban on the import of live birds from the Kingdom of Denmark

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 82/2017 concerning lifting the ban on the import of live birds from the Kingdom of Denmark

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 89/2017 on banning the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree No. 89/2017 on banning the import of live birds from some countries

Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources Resolution No. (118) of 2021 to stop receiving applications for approval to obtain licenses for fish meal and oil manufacturing activities

Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources Resolution No. (118) of 2021 to stop receiving applications for approval to obtain licenses for fish meal and oil manufacturing activities

Royal Decree No. (40/2023) promulgating the Law Regulating the Water and Wastewater Sector

Royal Decree No. (40/2023) promulgating the Law Regulating the Water and Wastewater Sector

Authority for Public Services Regulation Resolution No. 31/2023 By issuing a regulation regulating the quality of potable water

The provisions of the attached regulation shall apply on regulating the quality of potable water.