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Press Dossier   News Category    Health    Over 87% of Saudi university students inoculated against coronavirus

Saudi Gazette Tuesday, Aug10, 2021 | Muharram 2, 1443

Over 87% of Saudi university students inoculated against coronavirus

A whopping majority of university students, academic staff, and employees and have been inoculated against coronavirus, the official spokesman for university education, Tariq Al-Ahmari, revealed on Monday.

According to Al-Ahmari, male and female university students who are immunized in universities accounted for 87.30 percent, while the rate of immunization among academic staff and employees reached 88.17 percent.

Al-Ahmari explained that those vaccinated with one dose made up 87.30 of the total students while the percentage of the ones who have received both doses reached 41.49 percent, while 12.69 percent of the total male and female students were unvaccinated.

He added that the rate of immunization with a single dose for academic staff and employees in university education was 88.17, and the percentage of those who received two doses was 50 percent, and 11.83% of the total academic and administrative staff were not inoculated.

The official spokesperson for university education urged university students to take the initiative to obtain two doses of the coronavirus vaccine before the start of the new academic year on Aug. 29, as it is mandatory for male and female students to be completely vaccinated in order to attend in-person classes.

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